Friday, February 5, 2010

Its odd...

I'm quite mentally tired and my mind is ready to rest...but my body, while not ready to run a marathon by any means, isn't ready to lie in a bed it.

I'm a CA now...students are back and I'm slowly trying to learn their names. Term is coming to a close in the next month which means everything is due (perfect timing).

I'm back to being super involved on campus (go me) and I'm super frustrated with this clueless campus, yet doing everything I can to work on diversity issues.

My friend Rachel and I spent six hours today working on the theoretical constructs of a graduate student group to help facilitate the presence of diverse issues in the classroom. It will mostly be comprised of our peers in our program and a few friends, but it should be good. I think all that discussion of privilege, the communication of prejudice, how to create an inclusive environment that respects everyone's inherent humanity and dignity. We termed it diversity brain sex...and let me tell you, its exhausting. We were fried, we walked away almost in silence, silently chuckling at the fact that after talking for six hours, we didn't have much to say to each other.

So I have much homework to do over the weekend and a Superbowl party to help throw...this should be interesting. Plus I really hope my first paycheck is coming soon, I'm seriously broke with a decent amount of food reserves.

MMMM that's all for now. Hopefully more to come soon...if I don't fail at updating.