Saturday, May 23, 2009

Another Little Ditty from Bam

Okay, so I've tried to post this thing like a hundred times and for some reason, blogger isn't so happy with formatting, so I'm trying one last time. This piece was from a writing exercise we did where you had describe a scene out a window without using the word "the" and in three sentences. Here's what I came up with:

Brazen blusters follow currents directed by large buildings filled with thousands of untold eyes can only endure windy torrents behind glacial flows of glass. Here I pay my final respects to summer, an homage to billowed clouds and sunscreen sense. Autumnal colors flourish in response to waning warmth and I look forward to vernal victory over the coming snow.

I dunno, I think my use of an ellipsis is a bit of a cheat and it seems pretty rushed on my part. But I'm relatively happy with it considering the amount of time we had to work on it (like five minutes).

1 comment:

M.E. Davis said...

That's a good exercise. I like it. :)