Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The worst thing that has happened to politics...

...is the political theater and absurdity of punditry. As many have quipped, "there are two things you don't want to see made; sausage and legislation" and unfortunately our political pundits don't have anything to talk about unless they talk about how legislation is made.

The problem comes in here: pundits aren't anymore on the inside than we are. And yet when they give us details of what legislation looks like in the midst of its creation our politicians are forced to start responding to a bill that isn't even completed yet. We get worked up about ideas that are simply floated and discussed or have every possibility of disappearing before the final piece of legislation is enacted. Now our legislators can't focus on making any actual change or doing any real legislating without worrying how their EVERY STEP and the step of EVERY OTHER legislator will play out on entertainment television.

Now there's some punditry that I enjoy watching as well, but I think what is important for each of us to think about while we watch this political theater is "what are we not being told?" We have elected these people to do a job and we should let them do it without being backseat drivers.

ABC news just confirmed today that there's still plenty of language being toyed with in the bills and that the bills in the house and senate are different. The town hall meetings happening across America are for everyone to voice their concerns and discuss with their legislators what they'd like to see their health care be, not attack them and remove everyone's chance at speaking because they're too busy condemning.

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