Saturday, November 21, 2009

Science and Culture

Hello my devoted (or perhaps not so devoted after my long absence) readers.

Life in New Hampshire has been busy and wonderfully challenging. I finally feel like my academic pursuits are actually challenging me in ways that are truly stimulating. I'm asked, not only to regurgitate and analyze, but I'm actually being encouraged to build on research and create new theory. Its really exciting.

While I have wanted to write recently, but I think I was under the influence of my own need to come back with something profound and important. I think I found something that will be sufficient brief commentary.

I've recently fallen into watching reruns of Criminal Minds. As a side note to the rest of what I'm getting to, as much as I love Joe Mantegna, I'm really sad that Mandy Patinkin's character, Gideon isn't a part of the show anymore. Anyways.

What I'm really enjoying is the convergence of scientific exploration enhanced by cultural narratives. When the team creates a profile, it is not uncommon for their rationalization for behaviors be based on mythology or cultural ideas. This converges with certain beliefs I have about the functioning of people which corresponds with how I'm developing my theoretical orientation as a counselor. I believe that the importance of cultural stories and how they create expectations for behavior cannot be discounted in analysis of an individual. So its been really interesting to watch how I see that come out in my casual analysis of the people around Plymouth, in case studies, and now in this television program. My next step is looking at how these stories, these narratives can be used therapeutically. I suppose I'm really appreciating how science and history/language come together to create a better understanding of people, especially since academia has traditionally pitted these two together.

Hm, I guess I kind of expected it to be short. Anyways, I should post and move on anyways, I've got to finish my rough draft, then I really want to set up my Christmas decor tonight, REALLY WANT TO. Its definitely time.

1 comment:

M.E. Davis said...

That is fascinating, and I'd be curious to hear more as you develop this theory.