Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Spring Break Update

The following is a break update. I have Mike Doughty's "I Hear the Bells" going through my head. Perhaps it would be wise to read this with that song play. I don't know. Get into my head a little bit...if you dare :)

Detox: I didn't go for two full days. I stopped yesterday around one. I was feeling immensely better anyways, seriously, immensely better. I still have the stuff and am considering going another day when I get back from break. What happened? Well, I like food a lot. Two days without food is difficult, especially when the options for food are really really good. I'll do it when I'm back in SF and not wanting to make a meal for myself. Deal.

Grandma: No new news yet.

Friends: I've seen pretty much everyone I've expected to see already, I'll see almost all of them again almost before I go home. Good times.

Thesis: Making a bit of progress, not sure how I feel about that...oh well, quite frankly I don't care that I'm not sure how I feel about that :)

Other homework: Doing some decent work, perhaps not as much progress as I would have hoped for before break, but actually doing more during break that I have in the past, yay me!

Super Mario Galaxy/Relaxing/Sleeping: Making great progress, quite happy :)

1 comment:

M.E. Davis said...

I absolutely love this blog. I am so glad you created one here. I think your picture choice and assembly is glorious. ;-) I am also happy because I could no longer access your livejournal, and finally I can read what is going on with you! :-)